Been so incredibly busy, but here are a few pics.
I transplanted some lettuce from the beds to pots. Also moved lettuce to different beds in the greenhouse and outside. Lettuce transplants extremely well.
We’ve been eating so much salad, sometimes twice a day. We might turn into rabbits any day now!
We sold and traded some potted lettuce:
I finally took a picture of the sunflower in the greenhouse, but unfortunately the camera lens had fogged up. By the last picture it had almost dried:
I think the green lettuce on the right with the long leaves is Celtic lettuce and it’s one of my favorites.
Next month will get a 42′ hoop house and I can’t wait. The salad in the greenhouse grows so much faster and we won’t have to worry about plants drying up, getting hailed on or being blown away. We’ll conserve water and get a much greater yield.
The “red blooming yucca” (as I call it) in front of the pomegranate we planted last year, surrounded by desert marigold and a globe mallow on the left. We hope we’ll see a few flowers on the pomegranate.
Small, but pretty! I have no idea what they are.
Everything is in full bloom now. I’ve taken so many pictures, but been so busy and had no time to upload. I’ll make an effort, especially since our new lower garden is coming along.
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