Oak Park prosecutor Eugene Lumberg seems to be inviting a harassment and malicious prosecution lawsuit against himself and his employer, the city of Oak Park.
According to Julie Bass, she already showed the receipts for the dog licenses to prosecutor Lumberg:

5- when we got the citation for the dog licenses we cleared it up right away. we went in that friday, only to find that our government is closed on friday due to budget cuts (!). we went back as soon

as we were able the following week and took care of it. we paid the license fees. we paid late fees. we got proof from them that the dogs were current and paid up, and we took this proof to court and we showed it to the prosecutor.

However, they are still required to attend a COURT HEARING for the PAID dog license ticket.
In this Fox News video, prosecutor Lumberg states that everybody has to go to court after getting a dog license ticket, but that he would dismiss the case if Julie showed him proof of payment:

Oak Park Drops Charges Against Julie Bass and Her Vegetable Garden: MyFoxDETROIT.com

It's Julie's word v prosecutor Lumberg's word.
Does she have a witness?
Here's my question:
Are the officials in Oak Park IDIOTS?
Who in their right mind would have a COURT HEARING after a fine was promptly PAID?
Are they so loaded with cash that they don't mind wasting it on court hearings for tickets that have been paid?
That's just insane. And as Julie's attorney mentions in the video, the court hearing may be against city regulations.
This definitely reeks of malicious prosecution and harassment.

I sure hope they sue the city and prosecutor Lumberg and that it all ends with the firing of prosecutor Lumberg, a little more respect for the people who pay their salaries by Oak Park city employees and a nice check for the Bass family!