I couple of months ago I started my search for quicklime and incredibly, my closest source was Albuquerque.
Nothing in Arizona, Nevada or Southern California.
I checked with Home Depot and the contractors’ suppliers, but nobody would special order quicklime.
I was thrilled to find the Lhoist Nelson mine just an hour outside Kingman AZ on the Hualapai rez near Peach Springs and eventually I found the plant manager Jolene on Facebook. Incredibly, she responded to my message, and promised a call from sales. I was so excited! But I didn’t receive a call. And when I sent her another FB message, I didn’t get a response.
Today I’m restarting and documenting my efforts and I’ll update here.
Apparently the closest retailer is in Petaluma, Northern California.
Searched the online store for “quicklime” and got https://www.limeworks.us/product/carmeuse-high-calcium-lime/
Carmeuse’s High Calcium Lime Product Description
Carmeuse’s High Calcium Lime (Calcium Oxide) is produced from limestone containing over 98% calcium carbonate.
Made from high-quality, natural deposits of limestone, and meeting exacting chemical and physical properties, Carmeuse’s quicklime products provide high-performance, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly attributes and benefits for a broad range of industrial applications.