November 2011
1st-2nd Good Days For Planting Peas, Squash, Corn, Tomatoes And Other Aboveground Crops, In Southern Florida, Texas, And California.
3rd-4th Kill Plant Pests On These Barren Days.
5th-7th Favorable Days For Planting Aboveground Crops. Extra Good For Vine Crops, Where Climate Allows.
8th-9th Neither Plant Nor Sow On These Barren Days.
10th-11th Plant Root Crops, Where Climate Permits. Good Days For Transplanting.
12th-13th Any Seed Planted Now Will Tend To Rot.
14th-15th Best Planting Days For Fall Potatoes, Turnips, Onions, Carrots, Beets And Other Root Crops, Where Climate Is Suitable. Also Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens. Good Days For Transplanting.
16th-19th Poor Period For Planting. Kill Plant Pests, Clear Fencerows/land.
20th-22nd Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops. Fine For Sowing Grains, Hay, And Forage Crops. Plant Flowers.
23rd-24th Plant Carrots, Beets, Onions, Turnips, Irish Potatoes And Other Root Crops, In The South. Lettuce, Cabbage, Collards, And Other Leafy Vegetables Will Do Well. Start Seedbeds. Good Days For Transplanting.
25th-27th Poor Planting Days.
28th-29th Good Days For Planting Peas, Squash, Corn, Tomatoes And Other Aboveground Crops, In Southern Florida, Texas, And California.
30th Kill Plant Pests On This Barren Day.
We’re busy digging up eggplants, peppers and tomatoes as it already froze last week.
I want to pass along a recent discovery that I hope will be extremely useful for those looking for nutritious forage plants for goats, sheep, and cattle. TAGASASTE (Cytisus proliferus), or Tree Lucerne, is a perennial, evergreen, nitrogen-fixing LEGUME, shrub or short tree grown currently in SOUTH AFRICA/Australia/New Zealand. It is grown for its year-round, nutritious forage for goats, sheep, and cattle. It is hardy, an excellent wind-break and fire-break, drought tolerant, and the list goes on and on. It is suited to sandy, well-drained soils. It has a deep TAP ROOT. It thrives on grazing and pruning, and regrows within 50 days. Search online for Lucerne Tree Farm in South Africa; they have a working sheep farm and extensively utilize tagasaste on their land, and sell tagasaste, as well. I personally have found it to be very difficult to start from seed, but am continuing to attempt it here in the Arizona desert.
Thanks for the info! I just read more about TAGASASTE at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cytisus_proliferus and it sounds like it would be a great tree IF it doesn’t freeze. They say hardy to -10 C, or 14 F.
I’d love to try a few in a sheltered area. Where are you in AZ?
I hope you have success with it!
I live in the Phoenix area. To deal with the difficulty of getting the seeds to sprout (they have a very hard shell), I did some online research re scarifying seeds, as well as stratification, and will try different strategies: soaking them in a diluted vinegar solution, as well as a weak base solution (10% bleach), and scrubbing them with sand paper. I initially soaked them in hot water overnight, letting it cool to room temperature, which is one of the scarification techniques. Some other people in this area have tried sprouting them, as well, but have had no success as yet. We all believe this plant offers huge benefits and are determined to persevere in adding it to our landscapes!
Thanks for the detailed info on trying to get them to sprout. It might be easier to grow from cuttings, but first you have to find a plant. Maybe that’s how they propagate for commercial plantings.
In Phoenix you won’t have to worry about them freezing, unlike here at 4000 ft elevation.
Please do keep us posted with the results of your sprouting efforts. If it doesn’t work, I’ll buy a plant and try cuttings.