Two truly outrageous stories, but both may well be true.
Let's start with the news release about the WHO swine flu fraud, big pharma vaccine profits, conspiracy and MURDER.
I've heard Dr. Len Horowitz on various radio shows for quite a few years and he exposed the dangers of vaccines and was very anti-war. I hope he's one of the GOOD guys.
Here's the news release:
Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communication for People Around the World
Release: INCEPTION-1
Date Mailed: July 16, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Sherri Kane–310-877-3002 ;
London–Drug industry officials blamed for conspiring against people worldwide in the fraudulent World Health Organization (WHO) swine flu campaign of 2009, are now linked to two murdered journalists. The conspiracy, in which a third of the officials on the emergency committee are now criminally implicated for promoting a false fright to sell billions of dollars of “required” vaccinations, extends worldwide. Additional American journalists are threatened in this developing story.
The first writers to bring the “PharmaWHO” fright and fraud to light,
Dr. Leonard G.
Horowitz, and Jane Burgermeister, are both in serious jeopardy from related reprisals. Horowitz has been falsely framed in the recent murder of Britain's leading financial whistleblower, Edward Harle (pen name, Christopher Story); while Burgermeister is fighting against attacks by Austrian government officials instigated by the drug cartel.
“The companies and officials now indicted for the swine flu vaccination fraud are the ones Jane and I fingered from the beginning of BigPharma's corrupt campaign,” Dr. Horowitz, the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal, said. “Pharma hit-squads are now assassinating journalist/whistleblowers, and have the same agent provocateurs libeling Burgermeister and me hideously on the Internet and in person.”
Recently murdered journalists include Don Harkins, the
of the Idaho Observer, America's leading voice of BigPharma resistance, whose wife, Ingri Cassel, is the national director of Vaccination Liberation Organization.
Harkins and Cassel were at the forefront of protecting people against drug industry corruption and risky vaccinations when Harkins was murdered with a dose of radiation, according to Cassel. The couple was befriended by suspects under investigation, including the one Harle argued was the murderer.
Horowitz, who dedicated his film, PHARMAWHORES, as a memorial to Harkins' life and friendship, has now been framed in Harle's murder.
Investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, who wrote for Fox News in Los Angeles, is also being vigorously libeled and physically threatened after reporting on Dr. Horowitz's framers in Harle's murder case. Kane is receiving threats from two persons identified among this network of disinformants–Timothy Patrick White, and a man named “Dr. True Ott”–that she is posting on her Latest Threats page in her blog.
Timothy White similarly harassed ex-CIA agent Barbara Hartwell, who reported,
“White made a deal with
criminal government operatives and law enforcement personnel, for a get-out-of-jail-free card in 2002. . . . [He] seeks out any and every high profile whistleblower, patriot or investigator he hears about, reads about, or otherwise learns about.”
Since his release from prison, White has been involved in covert operations ranging from severe harassment, and issuing false murder charges, to discrediting whistle-blowers, Hartwell reports.
Harle reported death threats from the Bush-Cheney/Rockefeller-directed CIA, days before his murder. Horowitz says he is “very clear” his libelers, linked through White to the CIA, have set him up to be killed as well.
White was made a suspect by
ince, in Phelps's words, “all Protestants and “all Jews-puts all of us under more than 100 curses . . .”
This highly-trained gang of professional agent provocateurs are now implicated in Harle's and Harkins's murders by way of the CIA's link to White, and a young man's murder linked to Bible Believers in BC, Canada. Hartwell published a lengthy report on White, whose history matches perfectly with the persecution Horowitz and Kane are getting by these racist agents.
Szymanski and Ott generated the discrediting libel against Horowitz, claimed he was a “Knights of Malta” member, with Szymanski generating a false list of knights. Their extensive network of radical Bible Believers, based at Cloverdale Bibleway, in Surrey, BC, Canada, widely distributed Szymanski's list and disinformation, setting Horowitz up to be assassinated by religious fanatics.
The forged “Knights of Malta” list was used by journalist Benjamin Fulford, a Canadian working in Japan, linked to the “'Black Dragon Society,' which, folks, in case you didn't know, are JAPANESE ASSASSINS,” Harle protested after receiving Fulford's death threat.
Fulford, previously with Forbes magazine, is widely known on the Internet for being personal friends with David Rockefeller.
It is common knowledge that the Rockefeller family built the United Nations in New York City. David Rockefeller exercises extensive influence over the WHO and pharmaceutical industry–now proven to have defrauded the public to sell billions of dollars in risky, possibly deadly, H1N1 vaccines.
NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: Jane Burgermeister, Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz are pleading to members of the press, and general public, to distribute and investigate this story, as their lives are being threatened. Ms. Kane's blog ( contains a lengthy detailed report. Dr. Horowitz has published his affidavit on this matter, available HERE ( 217 Cedar St., Suite #326, Sandpoint, ID 83864; 208-265-8065; (E-mail)
I've also heard Fulford on the radio several times and I watched his Rockefeller interview on youTube. Not the most credible guy.
Calling potion pesticide, state agency slaps $100,000 fine on Tree Rescue maker
Are worm feces fertilizer or pesticide? For Encinitas entrepreneur George Hahn, it's the $100,000 question.
Hahn says his Worm Gold, Worm Gold Plus and Tree Rescue Solution, which are primarily made from worm castings, enrich the soil and enable plants to repel bugs. But the California Department of Pesticide Regulation says that claim makes Worm Gold a pesticide, and Hahn has failed to get government approval to sell the products as pesticides.
Last year, the pesticide department fined Hahn $100,000 for not getting approval. It has put that penalty on hold pending the outcome of a lawsuit filed in Sacramento County Superior Court. The suit was filed on his behalf by the free market-oriented Pacific Legal Foundation, and is to be heard July 30 by Judge Timothy M. Frawley.
The First Amendment right to free speech is at stake, says the foundation, because Hahn is making a truthful claim.
“To bar Hahn from stating the true fact that his fertilizers (though nonpoisonous, not intended for use on pests, and composed of an element found naturally in all normal garden soil) do help plants to deter pests, would infringe on these free-speech rights,” the foundation says in its opening brief.
Can it get any crazier?
“Twenty years ago the DPR would have treated Mr. Hahn as a hero, but today DPR has changed from supporting answers to the pesticides problem to extracting fines for income,” Lassle said. “This is nothing more than a mafia-style shakedown.”
Mr. Hahn though a corporation is being personally hit with a $110,000 fine that DPR has threatened to increase to $355,000 or $500,000 if he attempts to fight them in court. Is this an abuse of power of a state agency more interested in exacting money through fines than supporting alternative ways to reduce toxic compounds?
The prestigious Pacific Law Foundation, or PLF, has taken up this case of worm poop versus the bureaucracy on behalf of Mr. Hahn. At a hearing before the DPR, the attorney for PLF asked, “Can you drown a bug in water?”
Both Dr. Kohler, the DPR head of research and George Farnsworth, head of enforcement, said under oath that claims made that bugs could be drowned in water would make water a pesticide. If water was not registered with both the FED EPA and CA DPR as a pesticide, then anyone selling water for the purpose of drowning bugs would be in violation and would be fined.
Water and worm poop equal pesticide? So the “words” cause nontoxic items to become pesticides, not the content of the product?
Just about every day I see MANY headlines for bizarre stories like this and most of them are probably true.
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