Today I heard the Living on Earth report about the EPAs approval of methyl iodide.

New Pesticide, Old Problems

… The chemical also injures the nervous system and he says developing brains of children and fetuses could be especially vulnerable. Fifty-three scientists, including six Nobel laureates, joined Schettler in the letter, calling EPA’s approval of such a hazardous chemical ‘astonishing.’ They say they are—quote—’perplexed EPA would even consider methyl iodide for agricultural use.’ EPA’s Gulliford says he took those points into consideration.

Gulliford abruptly ended the interview when questions turned to EPA’s recent hire of an executive from the company that will make and sell methyl iodide: Arysta LifeScience. Shortly after the agency turned down the chemical last year, EPA hired Elin Miller as a regional leader. Miller had been CEO of Arysta’s North American operations. A year after her hire, EPA reversed its decision and approved methyl iodide. Miller declined to be interviewed. Arysta also decided not to comment. An Arysta press release says the company will begin sales of methyl iodide soon, in a blend of chemicals named Midas. …

Last week I watched all 16 parts of Len Horowitz’s new video:

In Lies We Trust Part 1 of 16

I really hadn’t planned on watching it all, but couldn’t stop.  It’s just amazing how corrupt everything is.

Really need to get going on my little addition for heating and winter growing, right after I’m done with the horno.  It’s coming along and the more I use adobe, the better I like it.